August Obsession

I’m not quite ready to begin doing monthly favourites and to be honest, lately I get quite bored of these posts and videos. It seems like month to month there’s not that much variety in what is being recommended by many bloggers and vloggers. I’d like to begin showcasing one thing that I’ve been really into each month.

This month I unfortunately had to do a lot of long distance driving. During these drives, I usually need to take a break from my music playlist and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. One that I can’t get enough of lately is the podcast Magic Lessons by Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray,
Love, has a new book coming out called Big Magic (which I will be picking up ASAP) and to the podcast is an extension of the book.

The basic concept of the series is helping others through roadblocks that are preventing them from leading there most creative life. She takes calls from people who, for various reasons, are not able to fulfill their creative goals. Gilbert gives out lots of inspirational advice and also reaches out to other authors/artists/musicians/etc to weigh in on these issues.

I’m not usually into self help podcasts or audiobooks but I always feel really motivated and inspired after listening to these 15-30 min episodes. I would recommend this to anyone who has a creative aspect to their job or even someone like myself, who is always craving some more creativity in their everyday life! Can’t wait for the book!


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