My Agenda

I bought this one by Orange Circle Studios in the style Birdie at Chapters and I love the picture on the front cover. It also has a pretty sturdy plastic cover which stands up well to being tossed in my purse/backpack/car or wherever. It has a typical calendar month layout and also a weekly layout. It came with stickers to use which represent different types of appointments you might have (meeting, dentist, business trip, family event, etc…). I am not huge into stickers so I ripped those out right away.
I also purchased some coloured pens to keep it colour coordinated. If I'nm being honest though, I get bored easily, so the colour scheme changes often.
This agenda ends in December 2015. So in just a few months I’ll be browsing the thousands of great agendas and stationary out there. I’m really intrigued by the Erin Condren agendas but, wow, they are expensive. I’ve only heard good reviews but will have to wait and decide if I’m really willing to drop that amount of money. Any suggestions of places to look online are welcomed!
Have a great day!
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