Summer Recap

This summer there was a lot of change in my life. I sold my house, quit my job and moved 8hrs away from my hometown to another province where English is not the primary language. So far it's had its up and work life has taken a hit. I took a large pay cut and the work environment in my new space is more difficult than previously. 

On the positive side, my home life couldn't be better..which is the entire reason I moved in the first place. Before all this came about, I liked to picture myself as someone who was always looking on the bright side and a free spirit who would be fine rolling with the punches. Turns out, this might not be as true as I thought. My boyfriend admitted to me that during these times, I was a real negative nelly.

During a time when I was particularly stressed about selling my house and living between two cities, I had read Tim Ferris' 4 hour work week and completed the worksheet outlining your 6month goals and what you need to do to make them happen. Mine included: sell house, pay off  house bills, quit job, and move to be with my love.

I enjoyed putting this all on paper but forgot all about this until last week when I was cleaning out some miscellaneous paperwork. All those goals that I was so stressed about making happen, have all since come true. 

I know this is a bit of a mushy rant but it just goes to show that all that worrying and stressing does nothing to solve problems. It serves as a good reminder to breath and let it go!


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