Product Empties

Britney Spears Circus Fantasy Body Soufflé: Think what you want about Britney Spears, but that girl puts out some awesome perfumes! They are always super affordable and really easy to wear scents. I purchased Circus Fantasy a while back and it came with the body soufflé. I wouldn't recommend wearing the lotion with the perfume because the lotion is scented enough on its own to actually be a perfume. So that's exactly how I used it. I replaced this with my perfume and mainly used it when I was working restaurant shifts because it was that strongly scented that it overcame the smell of deep fryer and garlic. I won't be repurchasing just because it's not a product that I'll be keeping on hand, but it was quite nice!
Sephora Mattifying Antishine Makeup Primer: I loved this primer! I tried finding it again at my Sephora with no luck. Either they discontinued it or changed it. This did an amazing job at keeping my face matte all day long. It was also quite inexpensive. The only downside was that the packaging sucked. The pump stopped picking up the product after a couple uses so I had to unscrew and use a qtip to apply it. If I stopped using it when the pump broke I would have missed out on 90% of the product in there. I will definitely be buying this primer soon as I can figure out what happened to it on the sephora website. If anyone knows, leave a comment below!

Curel Exteme Care Intensive Lotion for Extra Dry Skin: I always like having a hand lotion in my purse or at my desk. This one was pretty good! It isn't strongly scented and doesn't leave hands feeling greasy. I think I bought it because it was on sale? (Usually the case) but it's not something I'll keep heading back to. It just doesn't compete with my fave, Udderly Smooth, which can be hard to find sometimes. ( if you haven't heard of it!)
St Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter Hydrating Body Wash: This product was nice but I'm not rushing out to buy it again. I was on a real St Ives kick for a while, trying out tons of their products and this is the last one I had lying around. That being said, I have not found a favourite body wash that I love enough to say is my favourite. I find they last so long I alway get sick of them too. This body wash is softly scented and not drying. It is great value for money and this lasted me several months.
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